Tuesday, 20 December 2011

G'day Australia

G'day all!

After a remarkably easy flight, I've now arrived in Sydney and all the rumours, to my utter astonishment, are true. They quite literally walk around on their heads here. I didn't believe it at first, thinking it to be some mass flash mob or street act, but - and I can't believe I'm saying this - they really do. Everyone I've so far met has been wearing khaki shorts and a wide brimmed hat, a machete-sized knife attached to their hip and all appear to have an over-enthusiastic attitude to their native wildlife. What's more, in what I again was amazed to discover, the health ministry rather than provide zimmer-frames and walking sticks for the elderly and lesser abled, has given such folk each a didgeridoo to use for balance and I guess in an attempt to maintain aboriginal culture, something to practice upon when they need a break from their strenuous walking.  Put that all together and then when you realise a conversation with an Aussie seems to be an eternal loop of saying g'day and good on ya, you'll quickly realise that stereotypes are in place for a reason, that they're not vicious rumours but are in fact inalienable truths based upon heightened descriptions of reality...

So, I'll try my hardest to stand on my feet, to not let the blood rush to my head, loose my sanity and join these bizarre antipodeans.

- I'll be in touch soon -

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